MLS Season13 - Day1 - Cancel Requests, Manual Protests

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PC Admin
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MLS Season13 - Day1 - Cancel Requests, Manual Protests

Post by PC Admin »

MLS Season13 Day1, Cancel Requests, Manual Protests and Redress Requests 2021-02-23
Cancel/Protest Boat asking/protesting Boat cancelling/protested Rule Comment

Blue Group
Race 1, I Wanna Dance with Somebody - MLS
C Clande/Lupidimare BigBos/Italian Wolves 13 360 done by Clande.Cancel OK.
C Zhik/French Magic Racing Kvien Mary/Expendables 17.1 Cancel OK.
C Kvien Mary/Expendables Zhik/French Magic Racing 11 No Explanation submitted. Kvien Mary DSQ.

Race 2, Constipation Blues - MLS
No Issues in Race 2

Race 3, Knowing Me, Knowing You-MLS
No Issues in Race 3

Green Group
Race 1, I Wanna Dance with Somebody - MLS
P Galaxy/HDTeam Laj2/NOR Team Laj2 writes: 360x2 done No action.

Race 2, Constipation Blues - MLS
C Laj2/NOR Team Ryh00/POL-VSC 15 Cancel OK.Ryh00 DSQ,

Race 3, Knowing Me, Knowing You-MLS
C Excalibur/NOR Team Windydays/Inglorious Bastards 16.1 Cancel OK.Windydays DSQ,
C Larsvegas/NOR Team Windydays/Inglorious Bastards 18.2a 16.1Cancel OK. Windydays RDG 14,but DSQ in case above,

Red Group
Race 1, I Wanna Dance with Somebody - MLS
No Issues in Race 1

Race 2, Constipation Blues - MLS
C Oversteer/Loyal Sailing Alx/TTW 2021 15 Cancel OK.
P BatBoat/Jedi Alx/TTW 2021 Cancel NOT accepted. BatBoat DSQ.

Race 3, Knowing Me, Knowing You-MLS
C DZ Arg SAT/South American Team SAF/TTW 2021 16.1 Cancel NOT accepted. DZ Arg SAT DSQ.
P Duffy/Jedi JohnPap/HDT Fishermans Same as below.
P Duffy/Jedi TheoGre/HDT Fishermans 16.1 TheoGre DSQ.
P Steviekouris/HDT Fishermans Venhobel/Loyal Sailing Venhobel writes: 360 done No action.
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