Green Server - Race 3 - Cancel Explanation for Larsvegas

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Green Server - Race 3 - Cancel Explanation for Larsvegas

Post by euphoria »

Submission Type: Cancel Explanation + Redress request

1. Your registered Boat Name: Larsvegas

2. Race Day: 1

3, Group (colour): Green

4. Race (number): 3

5. Time (in Replay): 30:26

6. Rule(s) applicable: 21.2

7. Boat(s) involved: Larsvegas and Windydays

8. Description:
Windydays had a penalty to clear, and did that in front of Larsvegas who had to bear away to avoid him, hence Windydays broke rule 21.2.
Larsvegas got a penalty under 18.2.a which he cancelled.

VSK scored Windydays as finished just the moment he gybed and completed his penalty turn, because he had his stern over the line. But that is not a correct finish according to the RRS. But since VSK classified Windydays as finished, Windydays was not given a chance to take a penalty turn. If Windydays admits breaking a rule in this situation, I suggest he is given redress and scored in 14 place, as if he had taken a penalty turn.

9. Print Screen attached (required for a manual protest):

10. Replay attached (recommended):
MLS Race 3 Laj2.Replay.Gbx
(3.03 MiB) Downloaded 331 times

Regards Harald on behalf of Larsvegas
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Re: Green Server - Race 3 - Cancel Explanation for Larsvegas

Post by Toppen »

Facts :
Windidays was ahead of Larsvegas, had a penalty to clear
Larsvegas was on port, near finish line
Larsvegas had to bear away in order to try to avoid contact with Windidays, who was still on stb and had one gybe to do to complete his penalty
Larsvegas received RRS18.2(a), and asked to cancel
VSK classified Windidays as finished, so couldn't do a penalty turn

Conclusion :
Windidays failed to keep clear during his penalty turn, so Windidays broke RRS21.2
Larsvegas cancellation ACCEPTED
Windidays was not given a chance to do another penalty turn because VSK classified him as finished
Windidays should have been redressed and scored 14 (because Lunasarda was DNF) for this case
But anyway, Windidays shall be DSQ for another case in this race.

MLS Protest Committee
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