Green Server - Race 2 - Cancel Explanation for Laj2

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Green Server - Race 2 - Cancel Explanation for Laj2

Post by euphoria »

Submission Type: Cancel Explanation

1. Your registered Boat Name: Laj2

2. Race Day: 1

3, Group (colour): Green

4. Race (number) 2

5. Time (in Replay): 11:54

6. Rule(s) applicable: 10/13

7. Boat(s) involved: Laj2 and Ryh00

8. Description:
LaJ2 on starboard ahead of Balder and Ryh00 on port. Balder tacks to starboard. Ryh00 decides to try to tack under Balder instead of going for the easy and safe option by passing behind Balder (which would hardly not have required a course change). While luffing to tack, or while tacking, Ryh00 hits the stern of Laj2. Laj2 got a penalty form the VSK umpire under rule 15 which he cancelled. Since the pen was under 15, it proves it was contact by definition. Ryh00 did not keep clear of Laj2 and shall be DSQ.

9. Print Screen attached (required for a manual protest):

10. Replay attached (recommended):
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Regards Harald on behalf of Laj2
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Re: Green Server - Race 2 - Cancel Explanation for Laj2

Post by Toppen »

Facts :
Laj2 was on port, and tacked first to be STB
Balder was on port, and tacked to be STB
Ryh00 was on port, tacked and hit the stern of Laj2 during his tack
Laj2 received RRS15 from Ryh00, and asked to cancel
No penalty turn

Conclusion :
Laj2 gave enough time to Ryh00 to keep clear, so RRS15 was wrong
Laj2 cancellation ACCEPTED
Ryh00 failed to keep clear of a STB boat, and shall be DSQ for breaking RRS10

MLS Protest Committee
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