Season 11, Day 2, blue Server. Race 1, protest and redress sam vs n.spanjic

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Season 11, Day 2, blue Server. Race 1, protest and redress sam vs n.spanjic

Post by samuel »

Submission Type: Protest , Redress

1.Your registered Boat Name: samuel TTW - Bad Guys

2.Race Day: 2

3.Group (colour): blue

4.Race (number): 1

5.Time (in Replay): as of 12:25:00

6.Rule(s) applicable: 17.1

7.Skipper(s) involved: samuel TTW / N.Spanjic WST

8.Description: Nspanic tack in front of Sam and has lost speed. Sam ducks behind so as not too run in the back of Nspanic and gets RRS 11 of StevieKouros. So Sam Protests Nspanic for tacking too close breaking rule 13. RRS 13 says: “After a boat passes head to wind, she shall keep clear of other boats until she is on a close-hauled course”. So Sam Protests Nspanic for tacking too close breaking rule 13. ( as you (pc) can see i had to change my course to avoid contact. for sure the damage it was decisive for the rest of race so I ask redress.

9.Print Screen attached (required for a valid PROTEST): yes
ps sam.png
ps sam.png (1.48 MiB) Viewed 4341 times

10.Replay attached (optional): link bandicam video ... 44-134.mp4
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Re: Season 11, Day 2, blue Server. Race 1, protest and redress sam vs n.spanjic

Post by PC Admin »

>N.Spanjic tacks in front of Samuel.
>Samuel must bear away in order to avoid N.Spanjic.
>Samuel write “Pnspan” and receives RRS 11 from Steviekouris (Samuel does his pen during dogleg).
>Samuel protests against N.Spamjic and ask for redress.
>N.Spanjic finish his tack and Samuel has time to react (luff or bear away in order to avoid RRS 12).
>N.Spanjic completes her tack ahead of Samuel, so he doesn’t break any rules.
>Samuel protest DISMISSED, so Samuel + 1p.
>Samuel redress REJECTED.
>No further action against N.Spanjic.
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