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Season 11, Day 2, Green Server. Race 1, Explanation, Pirata

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:54 pm
by Pirata
Submission Type: E

1.Your registered Boat Name: Pirata

2.Race Day: 2

3.Group (colour): green

4.Race (number): 1

5.Time (in Replay): 13:10

6.Rule(s) applicable: 18.2 C

7.Skipper(s) involved: A2 Mover / Jedi

8.Description: I was doing my sailing on port tack clean from another boats, then the other boat from Jedi come from downwind (without made the´1st mark). I dont know if he was doing a pen or not, but he made a colision without give me time or space to leave from that situation. He didnt also protest me.

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Re: Season 11, Day 2, Green Server. Race 1, Explanation, Pirata

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:33 pm
by PC Admin
>A2-Mover can’t pass the topmark, so he must bear away and gybe.
>Pirata is on port.
>Pirata receives RRS 18 from A2-Mover.
>Pirata cancels his pen.
>Contact between both skippers happen almost 2 seconds after Pirata started bearing away, and it is only a few centimeters from the stern.
>A2-Mover is breaks RRS 11, but volunteered to take a penalty so apparently he acknowledfed breaking RRS 11.
>Pirata explanation ACCEPTED,
>PC approve the pen turn from A2-Mover
>No further action.