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MLS Season 9, Day 4, Server Blue, Race 1, E

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:44 am
by Q23 SUI 007
Submission Type: Explanation

1. Your registered Boat Name: Peppino VSKFunsters

2. Race Day: 4

3. Group: Blue

4. Race : 1

5. Time (in Replay): 24:29

6. Rule(s) applicable: 15, 10

7. Skipper(s) involved: Duffy

8. Description: Duffy is reaching the mark on starboard tack. Peppino tacked leeward and finished her tack at 24:26. Duffy (at the moment, when Peppino finished her tack, he is still under RRS 12) missed to keep clear. Instead of that he forced the collison. Contact occurs at 24:28. Duffy had enough time to keep clear. He breaks RRS 10.

9. Print Screen attached: (required for a valid PROTEST)

10. Replay attached: no (optional)

Q23 SUI 007 on behalf of Peppino

Re: MLS Season 9, Day 4, Server Blue, Race 1, E

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:30 pm
by Spirillen
When looking at replay, After Peppino is back on close hauld course, Duffy at no point changes course to avoid. PC finds that Duffy had time, about 2 seconds, so Duffy forces the contact. He should have acted promptly, but didn't. Therefore PC finds that Duffy breaks RRS 11.

Peppino pen cancel accepted, no further action.
Duffy DSQ for breaking RRS 11.

PC for MLS