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MLS S9 Day 3, Blue, Race 8, P

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:02 pm
by Batboat
Submission Type:

1. Your registered Boat Name: Batboat

2. Race Day: 3

3. Group: blue

4. Race : 8

5. Time (in Replay): 6.35

6. Rule(s) applicable: 10

7. Skipper(s) involved: Jack and Pawel

8. Description:
Jack is on starboard and Pawel hits Jack. Umpire did not give pawel a pen. maybe it was a mast hit, but even though collision and Jack lost many positions.

9. Print Screen attached: (required for a valid PROTEST)

10. Replay attached: (optional)
Yes, attached

Re: MLS S9 Day 3, Blue, Race 8, P

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:16 pm
by Legsy
Rules of MLS states, that the time given in explanation shall be replay time, and not game time.
Batbot gives game in post, and therefore breaks the rules of MLS.
Therefore PC can't accept the explanation of Batboat.

Batboat protest dismissed, Batboat +1 point.

PC for MLS