MLS Day 4 - 2nd Race - Cancel Request not answered

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MLS Day 4 - 2nd Race - Cancel Request not answered

Post by saf »

Submission Type: Cancel Explanation + Redress Request

1. Your registered boat name: SAF TTW

2. Group: Blue

3. Race (number): 2

4. Time of incident (in replay): 11:22:10

5. Rule(s) applicable: 16.1 / 11

6. Boat(s) involved: SAF TTW and Pawel POL

7. Description: While on the starboard side heading to the 1st mark Pawel on the same tack on my starboard I receive a 16.1 pen from Pawel at 11:22:10. I didn't notice any contact with him but in case of contact the rule 11 should be applied. I asked for pen cancellation considering this 16.1 was wrong. At 12:00:00 Pawel didn't cancel yet the pen so i asked him on the chat to cancel the pen but still no reply. While typing the cancel request on the chat i was not in position to control anymore my boat properly and received a 18.2a at 12:14:09 from Piotr POL. And still no reply from Pawel at that time. This pen 18.2a was correct so i ducked to do a 360 turn still asking on the chat Pawel to cancel the first pen and still no reply. During my turn I hit Pawel and received a pen 11 from him. With a 3rd pen i got kicked from the game. I ask a redress on this race having been kicked from the game because of no answer from Pawel

8. Print Screen attached (required for a manual protest):

9. Replay attached (recommended): replay attached
Hey, Lady Godiva - MLS(29'43''42).Replay.Gbx
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Re: MLS Day 4 - 2nd Race - Cancel Request not answered

Post by euphoria »


Pawel did not accept the cancel request from SAF.

Pawel did not keep clear as windward boat and broke rule 11.
Pawel is disqualified (DSQ) in the race.
SAF got a third VSK pen and was eliminated from the race because Pawel did not cancel the first one.
SAF is entitled to redress. If SAF had completed 2 penalty turns, he would have been last at mark 2.
Redress for SAF is 14 points.

The protest committee
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