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MLS 16 D2 R2 blue group - Protest withdrawal

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:21 am
by 103 SPX
Submission Type: Protest withdrawal

1. Your registered boat name: 103 SPX

2. Group: Blue

3. Race (number): 2

4. Time of incident (in replay): 09:56

5. Rule(s) applicable:

6. Boat(s) involved: 103 SPX / Venhobel Loyal

7. Description: Approaching 1st upwind mark Venhobel disconnected and the time for his boat to disappear from the screen he crashed into mine, stopping my boat to 0 kt. As I cannot pretend to a significant redress due to my position at the back of the fleet when crash occured I withdraw my protest even though this kind of situation could be a real problem in other circumstances.

8. Print Screen attached (required for a manual protest):

9. Replay attached (recommended):