1. Your registered Boat Name: Jammin
2. Race Day: 3
3, Group (colour): Blue
4. Race (number): 1
5. Time (in Replay): 22:19:00
6. Rule(s) applicable: 17.1
7. Boat(s) involved: Albervita
8. Description: Marginal call on when Jammin luffs and the overlap with Albervita begins.
After rounding the mark Alber is clear ahead and to windward of Jammin. Jammin is clear ahead and to leeward of Goffe. To protect his wind Jammin holds a high course around 150 twa and passes Albers stern to the windward side. Albervita defends responding also and luffs hard to get windward of Jammin. Jammin eases off slightly thinking Goffe would do likewise, he does not. Jammin luffs around the same time as gaining an overlap on Albervita who has bourne away significantly after Jammins slight bear away. There is more than a boat width between them. Jammins luff and the overlap happens within 1.5s. Jammin is more focused on Goffe at this time. Jammin holds his new higher course and starts to bear away as Albervita comes closer. Around 3s after luff/overlap nadeo umpire gives Jammin a 17.1. Jammin holds course and does small bear aways to not put pressure on Alber who is under 11.
Please consider the following when giving benefit of the doubt:
Where Jammin is aware of Albervita and the potential overlap... his attention is on Goffe behind.
It is Albervitas bigger stearing actions that cause the overlap.
At no point was Rule 11 broken by Alber or forced by Jammin.
Albervita asked Jammin to cancel after Jammin considered the marginal situation for 15s.
Jammin did not go above proper course after he realised he had the overlap.
Goffes chameleon plays hardball press and would worry any good skipper

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