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MLS S9 Day2, Blue, Race3, Expl, Djonny

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:12 pm
by Djonny
Submission Type:

1. Your registered Boat Name: Djonny/TTW

2. Race Day: 2

3. Group:blue

4. Race :3

5. Time (in Replay):12.33

6. Rule(s) applicable:16.1

7. Skipper(s) involved: Jonte/HDTeam

8. Description: I was going to top mark on port when Jonte tacks just before my boat, so me had bear away to avoid him. I established overlap with him and Jonte (under rule 11) after 4 seconds fails to keep clear.

9. Print Screen attached: (required for a valid PROTEST)

10. Replay attached: (optional)

Re: MLS S9 Day2, Blue, Race3, Expl, Djonny

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:53 pm
by Legsy

Jonte, arriving on starboard-tack, tacks to port in front of Djonny who is already on port-tack.
Djonny, to not hit Jonte's stern (rrs12) bears off to keep clear and creates a leeward overlap to Jonte.
From being the giveway boat, Djonny became the ROW boat.
Jonte has now to keep clear under rrs11.
Djonny is expected to give room to Jonte under rrs15.

As the host replay shows, Djonny "barely" gives inches to Jonte to keep clear.
PC finds that, Jonte had no room to keep clear, eventhough he tried as Djonny was changing course to force his opponent away.

Therefore Djonny breaks RRS 15+16.1

Djonny pen cancel not accepted, DSQ for breaking RRS 15+16.1
Jonte no action.

PC for MLS